Read the whole thing. I’ve been to Ulaanbator too with that kind of stereotype about this city, but it ended up feel just the same as every other city I visited in Asia, including my home city Jakarta. The only difference is this place is cold as hell and bc of that I fell into fever for 3 days lol
It seems that your perspective depends on your guide. Of course, it is right to talk about negativity, but it seems he said too much negativity about his hometown
I have checked all facts before writing down the article. You say I talked about too many negative aspects, but I also wrote about positive ones. I also wrote I would definitely go live in Ulan Bator.I loved it!
Ps. There is bad and good everywhere, I am very aware of this.
So you checked the amount of the public subsidies? Did you also check the unemployment rate in Mongolia? It is less than 6%, so very similar to Europe or USA. Poverty is not cause by lazyness., never. Nor in Italy, Mongolia or any other countries. This is just a falacy served by the most fortunates to justify the huge inequality we can all observe: “he deserves to be poor because he is lazy”. “He deserves to have the GDP of a whole country in his bank account because he is so smart and hard working”. Mongolia is rich of its resource and its educated youth. Everyone could have a decent life but the resources are plundered by foreign companies that corrupt politicians. Calling for abolishing state subsidies when it can be -40C in winter is just a call for murder.
The title is very condescending and is putting down an already not well known country. Even though the article may speak of the capital and country in a positive light, what people see first is the title. It is not coherent and frankly ignorant.
Dear Zorig,
Thank you for your comment on my post about Ulaan Bataar.
I want to explain the reasons about the title. I live in Italy. When I started researching about the capital of Mongolia, the articles I found all talked about how Ulaan Bataar was too cold, too polluted and ugly. Yes, ugly.
Visiting it, I fell in love with the city so I wanted to help it get a better look in the public eye.
I took the same negative title that I read from national magazines and used it to write a very positive article. And it worked!
My post ranked way better than I expected so today when people click on the article can get a more realistic opinion about the city.
The title may sound bad, I know, but trust me, when people read the content they want to go visit Mongolia.
All the best
Well I enjoyed the read. I visited a friend in Ulaan Bataar in Jan 2020 on our way from Moscow to Beijing. I witnessed everything you talked about. I even had to defend my girlfriend from a drunk in the street (She was Chinese). She was so frightened she wanted to return home..
I am looking at returning in Jul/Aug and looking for a local family to stay with.
Is this really your title?
So offensive and just… Mean. Talk about ugly. You should really rethink it.
The title is harsh, I know, but it is the same I found published on the most relevant newspapers when I was planning my trip to Mongolia. I kept it for my article so I could give my opinion as well. If you read about my experience, you will notice I did not find Ulaanbaatar ugly at all. On the contrary, I fell in love with it. My purpose is always to spread love and understanding about different places and cultures.